Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Araucaria heterophylla - Norfolk Island Pine

Araucaria heterophylla: Araucaria, named for Arauco Indians of Chile and Argentina, who have natural forests of Araucaria aracauna (Monkey puzzle tree) and harvest the seeds for food; heterophylla, having different types of leaves -- referring to the distinct juvenile and mature foliage.

Juvenile foliage needle-like.

Leaves held in angular sprays.

Mature foliage awl-shaped.

Cones seen on mature trees.

Thin, papery bark.


  1. Please can I you help me to buy Norfolk Island pine seeds please

  2. You can buy saplings to take home from the flower shop on Madeira at the west end of funchal under the four views monumental hotel

  3. You can buy saplings to take home from the flower shop on Madeira at the west end of funchal under the four views monumental hotel
